Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To 4


Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers

Productivity programs for computers
  • This course explores the most common productivity software applications used in business, in education, and at home. The course teaches you how to select the right software for your project. You will learn the fundamentals of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases.
  • Objectives 4.1 Explain the benefits, features, and workings of a digital camera. 4.2 Explain how to edit and manage digital images. 4.3 Identify the features of different types of printers that are available for printing photos.

What Are Productivity Programs

Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To 4

Personal Productivity Programs

Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate Test. (Correct Answer) To Subject Productivity Programs. Lesson 4: Introduction to Digital Photography 90. He now wants to add special effects to this song. Jim records a song by using an audio recorder. She cannot attend the event because she is away on a business trip. A music concert takes place in Amy's hometown. Audio editing software (Correct Answer) Audio streaming software On-demand streaming software Digital audio recognizer 82. Apr 22, 2011  The Digital Literacy Certificate Test Item File contains 89 test items that cover objectives from across all 5 of the Digital Literacy courses. We recommend that you select 30 items that represent a balance across the lessons to create a student test. For most questions, there is only one correct answer.

Objectives1.1. Describe the importance of computers in today's world.1.2. Identify the main parts of a computer.1.3 Identify the steps for starting and shutting down a computer.1.4 Identify the different groups of keys on a keyboard.1.5 Perform different tasks by using a mouse.1.6 Describe other common computing devices such as laptops, netbooks, tablets, and phones.

Lesson 2: Common Computer Terminology

Digital Literacy Assessment Version 4

Objectives2.1 Identify the primary hardware components of a computer.2.2 Explain an operating system.2.3 Explain programs and data.2.4 Describe a network and the types of networks.2.5 Explain the terms Internet, World Wide Web, and intranet.

Lesson 3: Computer Performance and Features

Objectives3.1 Compare the features of different types of computers.3.2 Explain the role of memory.3.3 Explain the basics of computer performance.3.4 Explain the concept of minimum requirements for software.3.4 Describe the types of productivity programs and their uses.3.5 Describe the types of communications programs and their uses.3.6 Describe the uses of educational and entertainment programs.

Productivity Programs For Computers

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Digital Literacy: Productivity Programs

Estimated Time: 2-3 hours
Description: There are hundreds of software applications available today. This course explores the most common productivity software applications used in business, in education, and at home. The course teaches you how to select the right software for your project. You will learn the fundamentals of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases.
You are to work through Parts 1,2,3,4,5 in that order and follow the instructions in each part.

For work to be graded for credit, notes must be done first, test is done second, and project is done last. These 3 grades will be averaged together to determine the final grade for this section. Notes must be done for project to receive credit.

Part One: The Productivity Course Overview– Click Here (10 Notes)

Part Two: The Productivity Course– Click Here (60 Notes)

Part Three: Productivity TestClick Here(Instructor must see results on screen to sign off)

Part Four: Productivity ProjectClick Here

Part Five: Turning in the Productivity ModuleClick Here

If you need to download any module forms, please click FORMSunder the Links section.

Subpages (5):Productivity Part Five: Turning in the Productivity ModuleProductivity Part Four: The ProjectProductivity Part One: Course OverviewProductivity Part Three: The TestProductivity Part Two: The Course