Robocode Robot Download Games

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  • Class

Class JuniorRobot

      • robocode.JuniorRobot

Robocode Download

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Runnable, IBasicRobot, IJuniorRobot

    This is the simplest robot type, which is simpler than the Robot and AdvancedRobot classes. The JuniorRobot has a simplified model, in purpose of teaching programming skills to inexperienced in programming students. The simplified robot model will keep player from overwhelming of Robocode's rules, programming syntax and programming concept.

    Instead of using getters and setters, public fields are provided for receiving information like the last scanned robot, the coordinate of the robot etc.

    All methods on this class are blocking calls, i.e. they do not return before their action has been completed and will at least take one turn to execute. However, setting colors is executed immediately and does not cost a turn to perform.

    Nutch Poovarawan from Cubic Creative (designer), Flemming N. Larsen (original), Pavel Savara (contributor)
    See Also:
    Robot, AdvancedRobot, TeamRobot, RateControlRobot, Droid, BorderSentry

Apr 04, 2018  Download Robocode for free. Robocode is a programming tank game for Java and.NET. Robocode is a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks in Java or.NET. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. Robocode is a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The program allows: programming robots.

Robocode Robots

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeField and Description
      static intblack
      static intblue
      The color blue (0x0000FF)
      static intbrown
      Current energy of this robot, where 100 means full energy and 0 means no energy (dead).
      Contains the width of the battlefield.
      static intgray
      static intgreen
      The color green (0x008000)
      Current gun heading angle of this robot compared to its body (in degrees).
      Current gun heading angle of this robot (in degrees).
      Flag specifying if the gun is ready to fire, i.e. gun heat <= 0.
      Latest angle from where this robot was hit by a bullet (in degrees).
      Latest angle from where this robot was hit by a bullet (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot.
      Latest angle where this robot has hit another robot (in degrees).
      Latest angle where this robot has hit another robot (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot.
      Latest angle where this robot has hit a wall (in degrees).
      Latest angle where this robot has hit a wall (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot.
      static intorange
      Current number of other robots on the battle field.
      static intpurple
      static intred
      The color red (0xFF0000)
      Current horizontal location of this robot (in pixels).
      Current vertical location of this robot (in pixels).
      Current angle to the scanned nearest other robot (in degrees).
      Current angle to the scanned nearest other robot (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot.
      Current distance to the scanned nearest other robot (in pixels).
      Current heading of the scanned nearest other robot (in degrees).
      Current velocity of the scanned nearest other robot.
      static intwhite
      static intyellow
      The color yellow (0xFFFF00)
      • Fields inherited from class robocode._RobotBase

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
    • Method Summary

      All MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete Methods
      Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
      voidahead(int distance)
      voidback(int distance)
      Moves this robot backward by pixels.
      voidbearGunTo(int angle)
      Turns the gun to the specified angle (in degrees) relative to body of this robot.
      voiddoNothing(int turns)
      Skips the specified number of turns.
      voidfire(double power)
      Fires a bullet with the specified bullet power, which is between 0.1 and 3 where 3 is the maximum bullet power.
      Do not call this method!
      This event methods is called from the game when this robot has been hit by another robot's bullet.
      This event methods is called from the game when a bullet from this robot has hit another robot.
      This event methods is called from the game when this robot has hit a wall.
      This event method is called from the game when the radar detects another robot.
      voidsetColors(int bodyColor, int gunColor, int radarColor)
      Sets the colors of the robot.
      voidsetColors(int bodyColor, int gunColor, int radarColor, int bulletColor, int scanArcColor)
      voidturnAheadLeft(int distance, int degrees)
      Moves this robot forward by pixels and turns this robot left by degrees at the same time.
      voidturnAheadRight(int distance, int degrees)
      Moves this robot forward by pixels and turns this robot right by degrees at the same time.
      voidturnBackLeft(int distance, int degrees)
      Moves this robot backward by pixels and turns this robot left by degrees at the same time.
      voidturnBackRight(int distance, int degrees)
      Moves this robot backward by pixels and turns this robot right by degrees at the same time.
      voidturnGunLeft(int degrees)
      voidturnGunRight(int degrees)
      Turns the gun right by degrees.
      voidturnGunTo(int angle)
      Turns the gun to the specified angle (in degrees).
      voidturnLeft(int degrees)
      voidturnRight(int degrees)
      Turns this robot right by degrees.
      voidturnTo(int angle)
      Turns this robot to the specified angle (in degrees).
      • Methods inherited from class robocode._RobotBase

        finalize, setOut, setPeer
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface robocode.robotinterfaces.IBasicRobot

        setOut, setPeer
    • Field Detail

      • black

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • white

        The color white (0xFFFFFF)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • red

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • orange

        The color orange (0xFFA500)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • yellow

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • green

        The color green (0x008000)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • blue

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • purple

        The color purple (0x800080)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • brown

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • gray

        The color gray (0x808080)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • fieldWidth

        See Also:
      • fieldHeight

        Contains the height of the battlefield.
        See Also:
      • others

        Current number of other robots on the battle field.
      • energy

        Current energy of this robot, where 100 means full energy and 0 means no energy (dead).
      • robotX

        Current horizontal location of this robot (in pixels).
        See Also:
      • robotY

        Current vertical location of this robot (in pixels).
        See Also:
      • heading

        See Also:
        turnLeft(int), turnRight(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)
      • gunHeading

        Current gun heading angle of this robot (in degrees).
        See Also:
        gunBearing, turnGunLeft(int), turnGunRight(int), turnGunTo(int), bearGunTo(int)
      • gunBearing

        Current gun heading angle of this robot compared to its body (in degrees).
        See Also:
        gunHeading, turnGunLeft(int), turnGunRight(int), turnGunTo(int), bearGunTo(int)
      • gunReady

        Flag specifying if the gun is ready to fire, i.e. gun heat <= 0. true means that the gun is able to fire; false means that the gun cannot fire yet as it still needs to cool down.
        See Also:
        fire(), fire(double)
      • scannedDistance

        Current distance to the scanned nearest other robot (in pixels). If there is no robot in the radar's sight, this field will be less than 0, i.e -1. This field will not be updated while onScannedRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onScannedRobot(), scannedAngle, scannedBearing, scannedEnergy, scannedVelocity, scannedHeading
      • scannedAngle

        Current angle to the scanned nearest other robot (in degrees). If there is no robot in the radar's sight, this field will be less than 0, i.e -1. This field will not be updated while onScannedRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onScannedRobot(), scannedDistance, scannedBearing, scannedEnergy, scannedVelocity, scannedHeading
      • scannedBearing

        Current angle to the scanned nearest other robot (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot. If there is no robot in the radar's sight, this field will be less than 0, i.e -1. This field will not be updated while onScannedRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onScannedRobot(), scannedDistance, scannedAngle, scannedEnergy, scannedVelocity, scannedHeading
      • scannedVelocity

        Current velocity of the scanned nearest other robot. If there is no robot in the radar's sight, this field will be -99. Note that a positive value means that the robot moves forward, a negative value means that the robot moved backward, and 0 means that the robot is not moving at all. This field will not be updated while onScannedRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onScannedRobot(), scannedDistance, scannedAngle, scannedBearing, scannedEnergy, scannedHeading
      • scannedHeading

        Current heading of the scanned nearest other robot (in degrees). If there is no robot in the radar's sight, this field will be less than 0, i.e -1. This field will not be updated while onScannedRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onScannedRobot(), scannedDistance, scannedAngle, scannedBearing, scannedEnergy, scannedVelocity
      • scannedEnergy

        Current energy of scanned nearest other robot. If there is no robot in the radar's sight, this field will be less than 0, i.e -1. This field will not be updated while onScannedRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onScannedRobot(), scannedDistance, scannedAngle, scannedBearing, scannedVelocity
      • hitByBulletAngle

        Latest angle from where this robot was hit by a bullet (in degrees). If the robot has never been hit, this field will be less than 0, i.e. -1. This field will not be updated while onHitByBullet() event is active.
        See Also:
        onHitByBullet(), hitByBulletBearing
      • hitByBulletBearing

        Latest angle from where this robot was hit by a bullet (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot. If the robot has never been hit, this field will be less than 0, i.e. -1. This field will not be updated while onHitByBullet() event is active.
        See Also:
        onHitByBullet(), hitByBulletAngle
      • hitRobotAngle

        Latest angle where this robot has hit another robot (in degrees). If this robot has never hit another robot, this field will be less than 0, i.e. -1. This field will not be updated while onHitRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onHitRobot(), hitRobotBearing
      • hitRobotBearing

        Latest angle where this robot has hit another robot (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot. If this robot has never hit another robot, this field will be less than 0, i.e. -1. This field will not be updated while onHitRobot() event is active.
        See Also:
        onHitRobot(), hitRobotAngle
      • hitWallAngle

        Latest angle where this robot has hit a wall (in degrees). If this robot has never hit a wall, this field will be less than 0, i.e. -1. This field will not be updated while onHitWall() event is active.
        See Also:
        onHitWall(), hitWallBearing
      • hitWallBearing

        Latest angle where this robot has hit a wall (in degrees) compared to the body of this robot. If this robot has never hit a wall, this field will be less than 0, i.e. -1. This field will not be updated while onHitWall() event is active.
        See Also:
        onHitWall(), hitWallAngle
    • Constructor Detail

      • JuniorRobot

    • Method Detail

      • ahead

        distance - the amount of pixels to move forward
        See Also:
        back(int), robotX, robotY
      • back

        Moves this robot backward by pixels.
        distance - the amount of pixels to move backward
        See Also:
        ahead(int), robotX, robotY
      • bearGunTo

        Turns the gun to the specified angle (in degrees) relative to body of this robot. The gun will turn to the side with the shortest delta angle to the specified angle.
        angle - the angle to turn the gun to relative to the body of this robot
        See Also:
        gunHeading, gunBearing, turnGunLeft(int), turnGunRight(int), turnGunTo(int)
      • doNothing

        See Also:
      • doNothing

        Skips the specified number of turns.
        turns - the number of turns to skip
        See Also:
      • fire

        Fires a bullet with the default power of 1. If the gun heat is more than 0 and hence cannot fire, this method will suspend until the gun is ready to fire, and then fire a bullet.
        See Also:
      • fire

        Fires a bullet with the specified bullet power, which is between 0.1 and 3 where 3 is the maximum bullet power. If the gun heat is more than 0 and hence cannot fire, this method will suspend until the gun is ready to fire, and then fire a bullet.
        power - between 0.1 and 3
        See Also:
      • getBasicEventListener

        Do not call this method!

        This method is called by the game to notify this robot about basic robot event. Hence, this method must be implemented so it returns your IBasicEvents listener.

        Specified by:
        getBasicEventListener in interface IBasicRobot
        listener to basic events or null if this robot should not receive the notifications.
      • getRobotRunnable

        Do not call this method!

        This method is called by the game to invoke the run() method of your robot, where the program of your robot is implemented.

        Specified by:
        getRobotRunnable in interface IBasicRobot
        a runnable implementation
        See Also:
      • onHitByBullet

        This event methods is called from the game when this robot has been hit by another robot's bullet. When this event occurs the hitByBulletAngle and hitByBulletBearing fields values are automatically updated.
        See Also:
        hitByBulletAngle, hitByBulletBearing
      • onHitRobot

        This event methods is called from the game when a bullet from this robot has hit another robot. When this event occurs the hitRobotAngle and hitRobotBearing fields values are automatically updated.
        See Also:
        hitRobotAngle, hitRobotBearing
      • onHitWall

        This event methods is called from the game when this robot has hit a wall. When this event occurs the hitWallAngle and hitWallBearing fields values are automatically updated.
        See Also:
        hitWallAngle, hitWallBearing
      • onScannedRobot

        This event method is called from the game when the radar detects another robot. When this event occurs the scannedDistance, scannedAngle, scannedBearing, and scannedEnergy field values are automatically updated.
        See Also:
        scannedDistance, scannedAngle, scannedBearing, scannedEnergy
      • run

        The main method in every robot. You must override this to set up your robot's basic behavior.

        Example: This method is automatically re-called when it has returned.

        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
      • setColors

        Sets the colors of the robot. The color values are RGB values. You can use the colors that are already defined for this class.
        bodyColor - the RGB color value for the body
        gunColor - the RGB color value for the gun
        radarColor - the RGB color value for the radar
        See Also:
        setColors(int, int, int, int, int)
      • setColors

        Sets the colors of the robot. The color values are RGB values. You can use the colors that are already defined for this class.
        bodyColor - the RGB color value for the body
        gunColor - the RGB color value for the gun
        radarColor - the RGB color value for the radar
        bulletColor - the RGB color value for the bullets
        scanArcColor - the RGB color value for the scan arc
        See Also:
        setColors(int, int, int)
      • turnAheadLeft

        Moves this robot forward by pixels and turns this robot left by degrees at the same time. The robot will move in a curve that follows a perfect circle, and the moving and turning will end at the same time.

        Note that the max. velocity and max. turn rate is automatically adjusted, which means that the robot will move slower the sharper the turn is compared to the distance.

        distance - the amount of pixels to move forward
        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn to the left
        See Also:
        heading, robotX, robotY, turnLeft(int), turnRight(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)
      • turnAheadRight

        Moves this robot forward by pixels and turns this robot right by degrees at the same time. The robot will move in a curve that follows a perfect circle, and the moving and turning will end at the same time.

        Note that the max. velocity and max. turn rate is automatically adjusted, which means that the robot will move slower the sharper the turn is compared to the distance.

        distance - the amount of pixels to move forward
        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn to the right
        See Also:
        heading, robotX, robotY, turnLeft(int), turnRight(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)
      • turnBackLeft

        Moves this robot backward by pixels and turns this robot left by degrees at the same time. The robot will move in a curve that follows a perfect circle, and the moving and turning will end at the same time.

        Note that the max. velocity and max. turn rate is automatically adjusted, which means that the robot will move slower the sharper the turn is compared to the distance.

        distance - the amount of pixels to move backward
        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn to the left
        See Also:
        heading, robotX, robotY, turnLeft(int), turnRight(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)
      • turnBackRight

        Moves this robot backward by pixels and turns this robot right by degrees at the same time. The robot will move in a curve that follows a perfect circle, and the moving and turning will end at the same time.

        Note that the max. velocity and max. turn rate is automatically adjusted, which means that the robot will move slower the sharper the turn is compared to the distance.

        distance - the amount of pixels to move backward
        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn to the right
        See Also:
        heading, robotX, robotY, turnLeft(int), turnRight(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int)
      • turnGunLeft

        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn the gun to the left
        See Also:
        gunHeading, gunBearing, turnGunRight(int), turnGunTo(int), bearGunTo(int)
      • turnGunRight

        Turns the gun right by degrees.
        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn the gun to the right
        See Also:
        gunHeading, gunBearing, turnGunLeft(int), turnGunTo(int), bearGunTo(int)
      • turnGunTo

        Turns the gun to the specified angle (in degrees). The gun will turn to the side with the shortest delta angle to the specified angle.
        angle - the angle to turn the gun to
        See Also:
        gunHeading, gunBearing, turnGunLeft(int), turnGunRight(int), bearGunTo(int)
      • turnLeft

        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn to the left
        See Also:
        heading, turnRight(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)
      • turnRight

        Turns this robot right by degrees.
        degrees - the amount of degrees to turn to the right
        See Also:
        heading, turnLeft(int), turnTo(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)
      • turnTo

        Turns this robot to the specified angle (in degrees). The robot will turn to the side with the shortest delta angle to the specified angle.
        angle - the angle to turn this robot to
        See Also:
        heading, turnLeft(int), turnRight(int), turnAheadLeft(int, int), turnAheadRight(int, int), turnBackLeft(int, int), turnBackRight(int, int)

C4 Robot Download Games

  • Class
Roblox download
  • Summary:
  • Nested |
  • Field |
  • Constr |
  • Detail:
  • Field |
  • Constr |

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