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Also Read: Basics Hacking Guide For Beginners 2019


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  • Collections of Mukesh Bhardwaj Hacking Book.
  • Secrets of Reverse Engineering.
  • Social Engineering Toolkit
  • Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures – Web Applications and Data Servers.
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  • Armitage Guide
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Read More: How To – XSS Full Guide 2019: Cross Site Scripting

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Here are a top and a long list of Best Hacking eBooks released in 2019. I pick these PDF best hacking eBooks from top sources with latest hacking articles inside these eBooks. These download links are spam free and ads free. However, you will also get all hacking guides as well. We Give You Best Ads Free Download Links.

Also read: Download Hacking Apps For Android 2019

  1. Blind SQL Injection Discovery & Exploitation.
  2. Ultimate Guide to Social Engineering attacks
  3. White Hat Hacking complete guide to XSS Attacks
  4. The Hackers Underground Handbook ( hack the system)
  5. Blind SQL Injection tutorials and Hacking
  6. Blind SQL Injection Discovery & Exploitation.

Special Hacking eBook For Advance and Beginner Hackers : coming soon !

Also Read: Top 10 Best eBooks To Learn Kali Linux From Beginning (Free PDF)

Itech Hacks Founder writes 1000+ Hacking Tricks eBook. Inside this best hacking eBooks, you can find the latest and best hacking tutorials. And this hacking ebook is in PDF Format, and it also works on Android and iOS too.

Also Read: How To Remove or Unlock Memory Card Password Using Android or PC

  • Closing Open Holes
  • Firewalls
  • Gathering Info on Remote Host
  • Getting Geographical Information using an IP Address
  • Hacking into Linux
  • More Password Cracking Decrypted
  • Removing Banners from your site
  • Send mail and Beyond
  • SSL Torn Apart
  • TCP Wrappers Unwrapped
  • Transparent Proxies in Squid
  • Untold Windows Tips and Secrets
  • Windows Password Files Torn Apart

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Download eBooks in PDF (Updated 2019)


Wrap Up: So above is the Latest Download Best Hacking eBooks 2019. By referring these books, you can learn ethical hacking at home by developing the skills from these hacking ebooks. These books are the best one and is very helpful for you. Hope you like our post, don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Nice post

Torrent Email Hacker

On the Internet, you may often come across many websites that claim to sell software programs to hack email passwords. Many of these email hacking software will promise to get you an access to any email account with just a click of a button.

However, in reality do such ready-made email hacking software exist and do they really work? Well, before you try any such programs, it can be really worth spending a few minutes reading this interesting article!

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Most of us are very curious about a software that can hack email passwords. In this post, I’ll explain every piece of information that you need to know about the so called “email hacking software”.

Does there Exist an Email Hacking Software?

With my experience of over 10 years in the field of ethical hacking and information security, all I can tell you is: There exists no such ready-made software program (as shown and advertised on many websites) that can break into the service provider’s database and hack email passwords. This is really just a myth! This may seem a bit disappointing for many, but this is the fact. However, it is still possible to easily hack email passwords using some of the alternative programs and ways as discussed below:

Working Ways to Hack an Email Password:

Even though it is impossible to hack the database and instantly crack the email password, it is still possible to trick the users so that they giveaway the password by themselves. This can be done using a handful of methods like keylogging, social engineering or phishing. However, the easiest and effective way is by using keyloggers.

A keylogger is a small program that records each and every keystroke a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. So when you install a keylogger on the computer from where the target person is likely to access his/her email, it is possible to captured the password. Though keyloggers are not designed to hack email passwords, they can still be used to accomplish the job. Here is a list of some of the interesting facts about keylogger:

  • EASY OF USE: A keylogger does not require any special skills. Anyone with a basic computer knowledge should be able to use it.

  • REMAINS UNDETECTED: A keyloggers will remain undetected after installation and operates in a total stealth mode. So, you need not worry about being caught or traced back.

  • REMOTE INSTALLATION: In addition to installation on a location computer, keyloggers also support remote installation. That means, you can also install it even on those computers for which you do not have physical access.

Which Keylogger Program is the Best?

With my experience, I recommend the following one as the best to hack any email:

How Realtime-Spy Works?

After you install Realtime-Spy on the target computer, it will silently run in the background to capture the login details (of any email). The details are uploaded to the Realtime-Spy servers which you can access by logging into your online account from any browser.

What are the Supported Operating Systems?

Realtime-Spy supports Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32 and 64-bit) and Mac.

Download Realtime-Spy – for Windows
What about Mobile Devices?

For cell phones and mobile devices, there is a mobile version of the same program called mSpy which can be downloaded from the following link:

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Compatibility: Android, iPhone, iPads and Tablets.

Things You should be Aware of:

The following are some of the things you should be aware of before purchasing/downloading any of the tools and programs:

  • Never download any of the free tools on the Internet that claim to hack passwords. While most of them are useless and do not work, some are potentially dangerous as they may have a spyware, adware or trojan hidden inside them.

  • Do not trust any of the hacking services that promise you to get the password of any email. Most of them are scam sites waiting to rip of your pockets. In order to make money, some of the online hacking services are also known to have engaged in blackmailing of users who place a hacking request. So, please take care of yourself before you fall into such troubles.

If you need more information on Keyloggers, you can refer my other post: How to Use Keyloggers?

Why can’t there Exist a Ready-Made Software to Instantly Hack Emails?

Email Hacker Online

Before I answer this question, let us look at some of the possible ways by which an email password can be hacked:

1. Brute Force Attack:

Brute force attack refers to trying all possible permutations and combinations of the password until the correct one is found. This is sometimes referred to as a “dictionary attack” which involves successfully trying every word in the list such as a dictionary, so that eventually one among the list goes right. This is a very popular method of cracking the password.

Even though brute force is a very effective method to crack passwords, it is not possible to implement it in the present day scenario. Of course, it used to work in those days of 90s and early 2000s, but not now! This is because, almost every email service provider like Gmail, Yahoo and others have taken measures to effectively combat this type of attack.

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You might have experienced this for yourself where in if you enter the wrong password even for just a few times, you will be presented with a CAPTCHA verification system. The captcha system was mainly developed to prevent automated bots, software programs and other scripts from carrying out a brute force attack.

2. Hacking the Database:

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One of the other ways to obtain the password is by hacking the target server of the email service provider and gaining access to the database which stores the password. Well, even this is not at all an easy task. With big giants like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail spending tons on their security, it is virtually impossible to get into their databases. Even if some one manages to gain access, all they can get is just an encrypted form of the password called “hash”, but not the original password.

The above are the only two ways for which one can design an automated one-click software program. However, as both of these methods are pretty outdated and do not really work, it is impossible for the so called “email hacking software” to get you the password. So, the only working possibility would be to use a keylogger. I hope you finally got the answer to the above question.

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Email Hacking